Thursday, August 22, 2013


When I was 14, I became a vegetarian for the first time.  I read all of Adele Davis and Francis Moore Lappe's books.  I saw Mollie Katzen on a talk show, talking about her new cookbook and the Moosewood Restaurant that she had helped start in upstate NY.  I may have looked it up and it seemed far away and I gave up on ever eating there, but my mom bought me the cookbook and I have made many, many meals from it over the years.

Last year, when I made the decision to stop eating meat again, I revisited those old cookbooks and recipes and I realized that Moosewood Restaurant was not far from my parents' lakehouse.  I called Jason at work the minute I realized this and he wanted to plan a fall trip to the lake, but Sandy happened and we never got to go.
thyme vodka makes an awesome bloody mary
 So, when Jason wanted to go to this yoga festival, I may or may not have said yes based on the close proximity to Moosewood.  Jason promised we would go there several times.
The food at Moosewood is AMAZING!

burrito and mushroom pie

the place has a great vibe

Spanish Fritatta is awesome!

this veggie burger was to die for!

Peanut butter chocolate pie was the bomb!