Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Story of the World, Volume 3: Early Modern Times Resources

**Before I start the post, I want to tell you about this website that a friend of mine in our homeschool group passed on this AWESOME resource:  Historical Fiction for Children and Young Adults.  Just search for the period you are looking for and click the link for a list of fiction books and reviews and age ranges!

We used this book a little differently than we used Story of the World Volumes 1 and 2.

We tried a more Notebooking approach (if you have not read Notebooking Success, I highly recommend it).

For this book, I looked ahead several chapters and made lists of things for the girls to look up on Google Images and print out.  They kept the images in the order of my list, used the three hole bunch and put the pages in their binder.  As we read the chapters, I would tell them to either summarize, outline or write a list of facts or their impression of an event or person.  I have included a list of the people/events the girls searched for images for under each chapter.  A few chapters did not have any people/events to search for and I noted this by saying "We read, reviewed, summarized and mapped this portion of the chapter".

As always, parents should preview all videos and DVDs, what one parent finds suitable another may not.

Story of the World, Volume 3: Early Modern Times

Chapter 1: A World of Empires

Vocabulary:  water moccasin, fury, conquistadores, quartz, ingots
Images to Print:  Philip II, Charlemagne, Charles V, a conquistador

The Holy Roman Empire

The Riches of Spain

Chapter 2:  Protestant Rebellions

Vocabulary:  provinces, dikes, petition, Catholic saint, regent, Protestant lord
Images to Print:  William the Silent, Balthazar Gerard, Mary Queen of Scots

The Dutch Revolt

The Queen Without a Country

Important to understand the Catholic/Protestant relationship in Britain at this time

Chapter 3:  James, King of Two Countries

Vocabulary:  monarch, divine right, colony
Images to Print:  James VI, Powhatan, John Smith, John Rolfe

James and His Enemies

King James's Town

Chapter 4:  Searching for the Northwest Passage

Vocabulary:  native, prosper, adrift
Images to Print:  Henry IV, Samuel Champlain, Henry Hudson

The French in the New World

Henry Hudson's Quest

Chapter 5:  Warlords of Japan

Vocabulary:  daimyo, samurai, sumo wrestling
Images to Print:  Hideyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu

Hideyoshi, Japan's Great Leader

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did the map work for this chapter.

The First Tokugawa Ruler

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did the map work for this chapter.

Chapter 6:  New Colonies in the New World

Vocabulary:  Puritan, Separatists
Images to Print:  William Bradford, John Carver, Squanto, Peter Stuyvesant, map of Native American tribes of North America

Strangers and Saints in Plymouth

The Dutch in the New World

Chapter 7:  The Spread of Slavery

Vocabulary:  indentured servants
Images to Print:  John Rolfe (another picture, same guy), tobacco, Queen Nzinga

Tobacco - and Unwilling Colonists

Queen Nzinga of Angola

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did map work for this part of the chapter.

Chapter 8:  The Middle of the East

Vocabulary:  infantrymen, musketeers, artillerymen
Images to Print:  Ottoman Turks

The Persian Puzzle

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and mapped this part of the chapter.

The Ottoman Turks

Chapter 9:  The Western War

Vocabulary:  fenestra, defenstration
Images to Print:  30 Years War, Gustavus II of Sweden

The Thirty Years' War, 1618 - 1648

Chapter 10:  Far East of Europe

Vocabulary:  dominion, advisor, shogun
Images to Print:  Iemitsu, Ming/Manchu

Japan's Isolation: Closed Doors in the East

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did map work for this part of the chapter.

The "Foreign Conquest" of China: The Rise of the Manchu

  • I found a lot of the videos on this graphic and disturbing, so we read, reviewed and summarized this part of the chapter.

I gave the girls a Vocabulary test.
We made sure our Timelines and Book of Centuries was up to date.

Chapter 11:  The Moghul Emperors of India

Vocabulary: dynasty, Koran, guerilla warrior
Images to Print:  Taj Mahal, Aurangzeb

World Seizer, King of the World, and Conqueror of the World

  • We read, reviewed and summarized this part of the chapter.

Aurangzeb's Three Decisions

Chapter 12:  Battle, Fire and Plague in England

Vocabulary: high-spirited, noblemen, barge, monarchy, commonwealth, reform, triumphant
Images to Print:  Charles son of James I, Oliver Cromwell, Great Fire of London

Charles Loses His Head

  • discuss difference between Charles supporters, the Cavaliers and the supporters of Parliament, the Roundheads and why there is a difference, what the difference is

Cromwell's Protectorate

Plague and Fire

Chapter 13:  The Sun King

Vocabulary:  dauphin
Images to Print:  Louis XIV

The Sun King of France

  • King Louis XIV (youtube)
  • my girls are very interested in fashion and decor, so we spent some time looking at how Louis XIV influenced these things

Chapter 14:  The Rise of Prussia

Vocabulary:  Reich
Images to Print: Prince Frederick of Prussia

Frederick, the First Prussian King

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and mapped this part of the chapter.

Chapter 15:  A New World in Conflict

Vocabulary:  smallpox, Philadelphia means "city of brotherly love" in Greek
Images to Print:  Metacom, Iroquis tribe, William Penn

Assignment:  I had my girls each pick a part of this chapter and create a Presentation on it.  We don't have Powerpoint so we used the FREE program in Google Docs called Presentation, just go to your Google Account, access Google Drive and select Create > Presentation and let your kids play around until they are familiar enough.  I required 5 slides for this first Presentation.

War Against the Colonies: King Philip's War

War Against the Colonies: Louis XIV Saves France

William Penn's Holy Experiment

I gave the girls a Vocabulary test.
We made sure our Timelines and Book of Centuries was up to date.

Chapter 16:  The West

Vocabulary:  scientific method, gravity, economists, philosopher, political philosopher
Images to Print:  Isaac Newton, John Locke

The Universal Laws of Newton and Locke

  • Reading/writing project:  I assigned one of my girls to read a biography on Newton and write a report and the other read a biography on Locke and wrote a report
We found this book to be great and had a lot of fun with the activities.

Scientific Farming

  • We discussed this, came up with more ideas, talking about how science has changed other things; discussed technology.  It was a great opportunity for my kids to tease me for being old. lol.

Chapter 17:  Russia Looks West

Vocabulary: czar, surrender
Images to Print:  Peter the Great

Peter the Great

Peter's Port to the West

Chapter 18:  East and West Collide

Vocabulary:  sultan
Images to Print:  Ahmet III the Tulip King

The Ottoman's Look West - Twice

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did the map work for this chapter.

Chapter 19:  The English in India

Vocabulary:  sultry
Images to Print:  Aurangzeb, Robert Clive

The Indian Empire Falls Apart

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did the map work.

The Shopkeepers' Invasion

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did the map work.

Chapter 20:  The Imperial East

Vocabulary:  Dalai Lama
Images to Print:  Chi'en lung

Emperor Chi'en-lung's Library

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did the map work.

The Land of the Dragon

I gave the girls a Vocabulary test.
We made sure our Timelines and Book of Centuries was up to date.

Chapter 21:  Fighting Over North America

Vocabulary:  protectorates, alliance

Three Pointless Wars

  • this was a confusing chapter with a lot of wars, we made a bullet point for each war and listed the facts (very basic outlining)

The Seven-Year War
Images to Print: George Washington (if you can get a picture of him as a soldier all the better)

Chapter 22:  Revolution!

Vocabulary:  Sugar Act, Treaty of Paris, diploma, Minutemen, manifest
Images to Print:  Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere

Discontent in the British Colonies

The American Revolution

Chapter 23:  The New Country  **we spent a lot of time on this chapter!

Vocabulary:  constitution, House of Commons, House of Lords, Congress, House of Representatives, senators, treaties, Supreme Court, executive branch of government, judicial branch of government, legislative branch of government, ratify, Bill of Rights, district, inaugurated

Images to Print: Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington

Liberty Bell **we live near Philly and took a trip there when we covered this chapter

The American Constitution

Photo Credit
Photo credit

The First American President (1789-1797)

  • I had my girls create a diorama of George Washington's life; they were able to find drawings of his boyhood home, paintings of him as a soldier, as President, Mt. Vernon, his wooden teeth, Martha, etc. to include in their dioramas
  • Who Was George Washington (good book for Grades 2-4)
  • George Washington for Kids: His Life and 24 Activities (same series as the Newton book, we loved these books and had fun doing some of the activities)

Chapter 24:  Sailing South

Vocabulary:  transit, Aborigine
Images to Print:  Captain Cook, map of world with Australia at bottom

Captain Cook Reaches Botany Bay

The Convict Settlement

  • This was fascinating.  We used a globe to see how Australia is at the bottom of the world and then talked about the expression "Down Under".

Chapter 25:  Revolution Gone Sour

Vocabulary:  estates
Images to Print:  Louis XVI, The Bastille, Marie Antoinette

The Storming of the Bastille

The Reign of Terror

I gave the girls a Vocabulary test.
We made sure our Timelines and Book of Centuries was up to date.

Chapter 26:  Catherine the Great

Vocabulary:  empress, harness, state of affairs
Images to Print:  Catherine the Great

Princess Catherine Comes to Russia

Catherine the Great

  • Catherine the Great (movie on youtube)--Again, please preview, what one parent finds suitable another may not.

Chapter 27:  A Changing World

Vocabulary:  miller, methane, cotton gin
Images to Print:  British coal miners, Eli Whitney

Steam and Coal in Britain

Cotton and Guns in America

Chapter 28:  China and the Rest of the World

Vocabulary: kowtow, opium, opiate
Images to Print: Chi'en lung, opium

The Kingdom at the Center of the World

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and mapped this section of the chapter.

The Rise of the Opium Trade

  • Opium figures powerfully into history over the next several hundred years, so we took some time to explain it to our girls.
  • History of Opium for kids

Chapter 29:  The Rise of Bonaparte

Vocabulary:  oligarchy, aristrocrat, aristrocracy
Images to Print:  Napoleon Bonaparte, Battle of Trafalgar

Napoleon Comes to Power

The Emperor Napoleon

Chapter 30:  Freedom in the Caribbean

Vocabulary:  goldsmith
Images to Print:  Toussaint L'Ouverture

The Haitian Revolt

  • We read, reviewed, summarized and did the map work for this chapter.

I gave the girls a Vocabulary test.
We made sure our Timelines and Book of Centuries was up to date.

Chapter 31:  A Different Kind of Rebellion

Vocabulary:  belch, tainted, slums
Images to Print:  English factories, Luddite

The World of the Factories

  • memory work: the girls memorized the William Blake poem on page 291

The Luddites

Chapter 32:  The Opened West

Vocabulary:  junction
Images to Print:  Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, Thomas Jefferson, Sacajawea, Jean-Baptiste, Tecumseh

Lewis and Clark Map the West

Tecumseh's Resistance

Writing Project:  Pick either Lewis & Clark or Tecumseh to do a research paper on

Chapter 33:  The End of Napoleon

Images to Print:  Alexander I, Napoleon, Waterloo

Napoleon's Wars (And 1812, Too!)


Chapter 34:  Freedom from South America

Vocabulary:  creole, tuberculosis
Images to Print:  Simon Bolivar, Prince Ferdinand

Simon Bolivar: The Liberator

Freedom, But Not Unity

Chapter 35:  Mexican Independence

Vocabulary:  heretic, doctrine
Images to Print:  Don Miguel, Voltaire, Miguel Hidalgo

The Cry of Dolores

The Republic of Mexico

  • Independencia (youtube)

  • I gave the girls a Vocabulary test.
    We made sure our Timelines and Book of Centuries was up to date.

    Chapter 36:  The Slave Trade Ends

    Vocabulary:  abolish, abolitionists, 

    The Work of the Abolitionists

    Chapter 37:  Troubled Africa

    Vocabulary:  grapple, seize, hard-bitten, warfare, savage
    Images to Print:  Shaka Zulu, Boers (Dutch farmers)

    The Zulu Kingdom

    The Boers and the British

    Chapter 38:  American Tragedies

    Vocabulary:  immigrants
    Images to Print:  Trail of Tears, Nat Turner

    The Trail of Tears

    Nat Turner's Revolt

    Chapter 39:  China Adrift

    Vocabulary:  bribe
    Images to Print:  Ho-Shen, Pinyin Jiquing

    The First Opium War

    Chapter 40:  Mexico and Her Neighbor

    Vocabulary:  empresario, Anglos, a mission (center for Catholic worship), garrisons, 
    Images to Print:  The Alamo (building), Jim Bowie (bowie knife), Sam Houston,  

    Remember the Alamo

    • The Alamo (movie)--we did watch this, it is violent, parents should use caution!

    The Mexican-American War

    Chapter 41:  New Zealand and Her Rulers

    Vocabulary: annexed, pakeha, maori, sovereignty
    Images to Print:  Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand map

    The Treaty of Waitangi

    The New Zealand Wars

    • We read, reviewed, summarized and did map work.

    Chapter 42:  The World of Forty-Nine

    Vocabulary: iron pyrite, Forty-niners, boom town
    Images to Print: Gold Rush

    The Gold Rush

    A World of Unrest

    • Creative Writing: I had my girls write a short story about a character who lives during this period.

    I gave the girls a Vocabulary test.
    We made sure our Timelines and Book of Centuries was up to date.