Sunday, October 20, 2013

San Francisco

Lombard Street

It's hard to take a photo of Lombard Street, but we did drive it!

Riding the Cable Car--Jason's awesome aunt and her super sweet husband drove up from Southern California and spent a few days with us!  We had a blast together!

Hang on tight!

Allie rode in front hanging on!

I was so nervous that I kept snapping pictures!

...and snapping pictures!

those hills!
The "Full House" house :)

The Painted Ladies---every time I have ever seen a picture of these, I have longed to sit in the park across the street and just gaze upon these beautifully detailed homes--I got about an hour and a half to do just that!

I love the architecture--we learned that there was a major fire in San Francisco at the turn of the 20th century.  The fire destroyed a lot of these houses.

I am such a sucker for this kind of detail!  I love the workmanship!

The Gate to Chinatown

I love when what we learned about in history comes to life--we just finished learning about the last century of history.  Jason's aunt was able to fill in a lot about Rosie the Riveter as she lives in and STILL WORKS in Southern California!

Coit Tower--the girls researched this extensively before we went and were excited to see it!

Many, many, many years ago my friend and fellow vegetarian gave me an awesome recipe for a Roasted Yam Sandwich that was based on the one served here.  I make this sandwich often and was very excited to try it in the restaurant where it originated!

Roasted yams, organic tomatoes, feta cheese and pickled red onions

These were my most favorite houses in San Francisco--they are on Waller Street in the Haight :)