Sunday, April 11, 2010

Oil Based Primer is the BOMB!!!

I have been up since 4:30am.  I scraped, sanded, spackled all the walls.  My wonderful, fabulous husband who I never give enough credit to, managed to get all the nails and screws out of the walls before he went to work.
After TWO coats of latex primer, I remembered that OIL BASED is better at sealing off to Home Depot I went...still before lunch time.  And now, finally, at 5pm, I can paint the ceiling.

Then the walls...then if I am still standing, the second coat on the walls...

I am so, so grateful to my awesome friend JM, who called and offered to take my girls to a play at the local college.  She was hoping Jason and I could go out to dinner, but we will be painting...and I am sure my husband finds me less than attractive unshowered and paint splattered!

I received no compensation for this post.