Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Day of Co-op & First Day of Lessons

Ok, before I start the post, I wanted to let you all know that my friend Janet and I are going to start something called Touring Tuesdays...a Blog Hop of sorts where we post pictures of our homes.  I love to see inside people's homes; how they decorate and hear why they chose the things they chose, what significant meaning things have.  And I have to admit, meeting all of these wonderful women through blogs, I wonder about what room they are sitting in when they are blogging!!  So...that is our first Tour starting in a little while (as soon as my girls are done with their lessons and I figure out McLinky!!)...I would LOVE if you would tidy up and take some photos of the room you usually blog in!!!

Ok, First Day of Co-op

The girls were a little nervous.
It was a little chaotic when we got there, as it was the FIRST day and everyone was trying to figure out where to put their stuff.  I was not part of this co-op last year...but this co-op was founded in a library two years ago as a Literary Discussion group.  Eventually they added a Writer's Cafe.  And not long after that, decided to add more areas of interest, and find a bigger space...that was last spring...This fall is its' first official year, which was why we chose this co-op from the other two in the area.  First of all, we liked the moms, the classes offered and the laid back atmosphere; but also getting in on "the ground floor" and being part of decision-making sounded like a good place to jump in!

So, we started with Morning Assembly.  The children sat in a circle and were each given a piece of paper with a word on it.  They needed to use the word to describe something they did over the summer, when they introduced themselves to the group.

After that, P went to yoga---which she LOVED!!  Both my husband and I are avid yoga enthusiasts and the girls practice with us, but this was her first time practicing with other children!

A's first "class" was Latin, where she learned about the Roman Empire and pronunciation rules for Latin.  She learned the Latin alphabet and has to practice it every day until we go back to co-op next Monday.  She also has a map of the Roman Empire to label.  There will be no "tests", but "quizzes" to see how much the children are absorbing and get a feel for what they need to practice more.  I think the relaxed atmosphere will be good for A!

Next, A had yoga and was very pleased that the teachers commented on her posture and knowledge of the poses!

P had Literary Discussion, which was a double period, where they are discussing "A Mouse Called Wolf".  She had a lot of fun discussing it and working on a project that will be revealed at the end of the session in early December.

After that, A had Science.  I had volunteered for everything when we registered, and I was asked to assist the Science teacher.  We talked about light and refraction.  The teacher had a group of kids stand up, and she said they were light and she was a wall.  She asked them to walk past her and they separated into two groups to do so.  She explained that was refraction.  They wrote the definition in their notebooks.  Then, we poured water into trays, had the children hold a mirror at an angle in the water, had another child shine the flashlight at the water and a third child hold the paper and find the refracted light, which makes a rainbow.  Then, the children were instructed on the scientific method and writing a report using the scientific method at home to be emailed to the group.

After that, we had lunch with group and then the kids ran around on the playground, and I had a chance to chat with the moms and get to know them better.

After lunch, P had Drama, which is now being called Creative Expressions, which she thought was the most fun thing EVERRRRR!!!!

A had a bit of a meltdown.  She was supposed to do Art, but all of the other children in the art class were under 6.  She could have joined the Literary Discussion for her age, but we are doing our own Reading Program and she is also reading the Percy Jackson series and she didn't want to have to read another book.  I told her that we could put off Drawn into the Heart of Reading...but she chose to sit outside with me and work on her Latin homework.

After that, A had Creative Expressions, which she also seemed to love.  The older group, the one A is in,  are considering writing their own play and acting it out.

While A was in Creative Expressions, P had recorder (she is now hiding behind the couch in the room I will be photographing for "Where I Blog" Touring Tuesday, practicing a song to perform for us while A finishes up her spelling!).

Then it was time to go to my grandmother's house, where she had a big spread of cheese and crackers and olives and my favorite half-sour pickles!!  Jason joined us after work for pot roast and mashed potatoes :)

Our First Day of Lessons

This morning we all slept in.
Then we made french toast.
yes, we do school in our pajamas!
Then we started with Handwriting to ease ourselves into it.
Then Spelling.  The girls like that the couch is nearby and they can sit with me on the couch or at the desks.  We read over the paragraph in the Spelling books that introduces the words in story form.  Then  I read the list and they repeated it.  Now they are doing the accompanying exercises and copying the words over neatly in their best handwriting.
After that, they will be taking Math Placement tests.
Then we will discuss Main Ideas and Supporting Details for our Reading Comprehension Curriculum.
Lastly, the girls will work independently on the first Writing Strands assignment.
Then, it is my goal, to bake something...a cake or cookies!!