Saturday, April 30, 2011

Grab a Beer and Look What We Did Last Week!

Spring arrived here in Jersey this week. 
 It was in the 70s and 80s all week!
We enjoyed breakfast on the deck :)

And the first watermelon of the season :)

We did school on the deck :)
and made salt dough maps of Italy :)
the girls are obsessed with these
"You Wouldn't Want to Be a..." books :)
The girls have been talking about being vegetarians.
(I could EASILY & HAPPILY {go back to being} a vegetarian)
I made this amazing Chick Pea & Spinach Curry.
I am pleased to say EVERYONE enjoyed it!

The girls spent several afternoons & evenings with friends.
I could not resist my lounge chair, my deck & my book :)

We did have one rainy day:)
But we've been focused on completing our lessons,
so it was all good :)

There were redbox movies with friends on the afternoon it rained.

The girls came to work with me
they worked on a research project on Pompei
and made these adorable chicks in craft time with pierogi (aka BFF aka the children's librarian) :)

I didn't feel like cooking after I worked one afternoon,
so I had a salad and treated the girls to this:
So much for them being vegetarians {this week}.
There is still hope, though, right?

My neighbor, Elizabeth (she gave me permission to use her name & this photo)
was born & raised in Britain.
She decked her house out for the royal wedding.
I love it!  It really made the whole thing even more special for the girls & I,
to see how excited Elizabeth was.
And we love how she calls him Wills :)

So, how was your week?
What did you do?

Link up with Kimberly tomorrow at Yep, They're All Mine

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