Monday, February 20, 2012


After last winter's brutal weather,
the Hubinator decided to leave one full week of vacation/sick days for bad weather.

Since this year was so mild and his company has a "use it or lose it" vacation day policy and his 10 year anniversary is February 19...he ended up with the week off ...

Sometimes a week off with no plans is the best thing...

On a Staycation, you can...

drink wine in your pajamas :)

make A Wicked Good Boston Cream Pie to share with your family for Valentine's Day

play with the settings on your camera 

take pictures "just because"

make use of some of your museum memberships

see your daughter mesmerized and inspired by art

have your nine year old take this photo

take this photo of said nine year old while she is taking the photo above

go to Rafferty's late at night for cake..."just because"

take yoga classes with your spouse :)

spend ALL DAY in bed reading with your daughter :)
not because you are not feeling well, but just because you WANT to!

you can give your dog a bath:)

spend time perfecting a fritatta

you can eat donuts for breakfast

you can make chocolate chip cookies to share with friends...
 making cookies

Staycations are Underrated!!

I am linking this post with
Make Life Meaningful Monday

 then, she {snapped}