Thursday, March 7, 2013

Random Good Things

It seems that we are bombarded from every angle with bad stuff.  The sequester.  Major budget cuts.  I refuse to watch the local news because it terrifies me.  But this week, there were some good things that happened in my own little world and I have to focus on those good things.

1. My mom had surgery to remove a polyp on her vocal cord and came through with flying colors!  Her doctor really feels it was clean and sending it in for a biopsy was just standard procedure but no cause for concern.

2.  This week both Piper and I celebrate our birthdays.  I love that our birthdays are so close.  I love that we homeschool because we get to make Birthday Week all about FUN!!!

3. Tuesday was warm and sunny.  It felt like spring.  We were out and about without jackets.  It was awesome!!

4.  They were predicting a "Snowquester" and a Northeast Beast to hit us last night, today and far no snow, no rain and it's pretty warm here.  Seriously, I think the weather people just want to feel important with their cloyingly annoying names for these things.

5.  Our auto/home insurance agency called.  With the exception of the 5 years we lived in Connecticut, Jason has always had insurance through this agency.  They called to tell us that our policy was due to renew and they shopped around and saved us $700!  Woot!

6.  I found out that through Obamacare all women are eligible for one FREE mammogram and one free well visit per calendar year.  It drove me nuts to pay for insurance every week, fortunately we never really used it, but I had to pay out of pocket for my mammogram. A mammogram may not be a lot, but at least it's something.  Double Woot!

7.  I had a very nice exchange with a guy that works for our state regarding something that is going on.  

8.  I am still reading Jodi Picoult's new book The Storyteller: A Novel and man, oh, man, let me tell you...IT IS GOOD!  It's about Polish Jews during World War II.  It's difficult to read, but it's very absorbing and I am learning so much!!  Since tomorrow is my birthday my plan is to do my very favorite thing in the world: lay in bed all day and read!!!!!  Popcorn and tea and my book!  Pure Heaven!

9.  I love my brother.  There is just something about being with him that is so comforting to me.  I am fortunate in my life that I have friends who know pretty much everything about me, but my brother is different: he knows EVERYTHING.  We have goofy side jokes and memories and we share a sense of humor and we have amazing conversations.  I can tell him ANYTHING and I have and he has confided in me as well.  Last night, he called to wish Piper a Happy Birthday and she was not home, so we chatted for a while, then when she came home, he talked to her.  At the end of their conversation, I heard him tell her that he loved her and I heard so much honesty in his voice.  Family is awesome and I am thankful for mine!

10.  Coffee--I know this seems silly, but I am really thankful for coffee.  Jason is a very picky coffee drinker who takes brewing coffee incredibly seriously.  We have been through french presses and different coffee makers.  Currently he is enamored with an antique percolator.  We only use Arabica beans.  Sometimes he adds a pinch of cinnamon (a trick my uncle taught him).  Other times, he adds a bit of flavored coffee, but never brews a whole pot of flavored coffee because it's too overpowering to him.  The end result: I get to sip great cups of coffee that make me feel warm and cozy, cared for and pampered.

Linking with the lovely Lisa