Monday, April 15, 2013

Grandma Angel

Jason's younger brother is going to be a daddy for the first time!

Over the weekend, the girls and I went to the baby shower.

Jason's mom passed away six years ago.  I had gone through the girls' baby things, looking for something she had given them that I could pass a little gift for her new grandchild from her.

I found a few possibilities, but as I was getting ready on Sunday morning, nothing felt exactly right.  So, I climbed back up to the attic and went through the two tubs of baby things that I have allowed myself to keep.

Grandma Angel

I had completely forgotten it.

When Allie was born, we lived in another state, far from my mother-in-law.
My mother-in-law had gone to a craft sale and bought this adorable little angel that holds a sign that says:
"Grandma Angel"

It was perfect!

Perfect then, for a granddaughter who lived far from her grandma and 
perfect now for a new grandbaby whose Grandma will watch over her from Heaven.

A gift from my mother-in-law to her new grandbaby <3