Friday, September 10, 2010


I would have been fine with using the card table that has been in our learning area since before it was our learning area, when it was our "bonus room".  But, the girls really wanted desks.

All of our friends have been very positive and encouraging, many wanting to know how it goes and telling us how they have considered homeschooling.  One of my friends' attends a Catholic church, their school closed a few years ago and she took the liberty of asking if we could have some desks :)

yupper, bring back memories of my Catholic school days!

We decided that we want to paint them...something fun, something exciting!

These are my helpers :)

The desks were pretty dingy:

So we had to scrub & scrape them first:

Then we got to paint them:

When Jason came home, he thought they looked a bit like lawn art:

Here are the desks in our learning area :)

We are all excited to get started on SUNDAY!!!!!