Wednesday, November 24, 2010

{Not So}Wordless Wednesday

My Grandma's China Cabinet

When I was a little girl, 
we always went to my grandma's for Thanksgiving.

We would go the night before.
My grandmother's sisters and my aunts and cousins would be there.
We would all help prepare food.
Peel mushrooms, cube bread, chop parsley, chop chicken livers...
We would pretend we were The Walton Family.
My grandma would call me "Erin".

We would sleep over and before we went to bed, we would do what the Walton Family did.
"Good night, Grandma"
"Good night, Erin"
"Good night, Grandpa"
"Good night, John Boy"

I have such wonderful, fond memories of our whole family: all of the aunts and uncles and cousins and great aunts and great uncles and second and third cousins, filling the three floors of my grandparents' home.
Playing Barbies in the den with my cousin Michelle.
Playing Houdini with my cousin who we visited with on Monday.
Playing with my grandmother's porcelain dolls.

Thanksgiving is about Family,
and love...

I hope you all have a holiday filled with love and family.
I hope you all make warm, happy memories.

Happy Thanksgiving!