Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Homeschool UnPlanning - Taking it One Day at a Time

Today I am posting over at Three Thinking Mothers about homeschool planning...or rather, UnPLanning...

I have tried planning for our homeschool.

In theory, I love the idea.  I love knowing what we will do when.  How we will do it.  When we will finish. Planning would allow me to schedule in breaks and vacations and days off.  I could know when we will be learning what and schedule field trips accordingly...heck, I could be the one to book the trips and list them on our homeschool loop!

In practice, not so much...sometimes we find ourselves eagerly reading ahead or working ahead.  Sometimes one of the girls - or both of the girls - needs more time with grammar or math or science.  Sometimes we spend more time than allotted on history and don't get to science.  Sometimes friends call with a great invitation that we don't want to pass up.  Sometimes someone lists an awesome chance-of-a-lifetime experience on our homeschool loop and we abandon our lessons in favor of researching and learning what we need to know before the awesome read more head over to Three Thinking Mothers...