Monday, August 8, 2011

Our Learning Area

Nothing gets me in the mood to start a new school year like
Not Back to School Blog Hop
This week is the "Show Us Your School Room" week...

We are blessed to have this great space in our home:
It has desks and cool posters.

A bookshelf to hold supplies and books on the topics we are currently studying:
We have a big white board and my "Enjoy the Journey" sign.
We are very focused in our classroom.
We do some of our best work in our classroom.

We have this handy dandy border to remind us how to form our cursive letters
& our Time Line.

Yet...we feel more comfortable doing our written work here:

To be honest, I only created the classroom
 because it seemed like the thing to do.
In the summers, when the girls were in school 
and we would work together,
we always worked at the dining room table.
It seems like a natural extension of our day, our life.

After breakfast, we break out the books...
we do most of our reading in the living room
I feel a little guilty that we have a learning area, but we don't use it.
But, we do go back and forth...using the learning area for a few days, 
then back to the dining & living room.
I don't want learning to feel like a 
I cleaned out a space in a closet down the hall from the living room for our books,
so we are not running to and from the classroom.

We even bought this desk for our living room.
I am so pleased with how it looks.
It gives us some extra space.

The girls are starting piano lessons this year,
so that is in our living room, too.

 Before homeschooling,
I was really into decorating and nesting.
I always had a project going around the house.
I love to make a comfy, warm home for my family.
It is my greatest joy.
Now, it gives me pleasure to see us utilizing those spaces to fit our needs and lives.