Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thankful Thursday - Camping Edition

1.  I am thankful that Piper auditioned for the Rutgers Children's Choir and was accepted!!!  She loves to sing and I think being part of this choir will really help her to learn a classical approach to voice!

2.  Jason and the girls had an awesome time camping with the homeschool neighbors last weekend.  Memories were made.  Friendships were more solidified.  Bonds were strengthened.

3.  I am also thankful that I got time with some homeschool mom friends.  Memories were made.  Friendships grew stronger.  Bonds were strengthened.

4.  I am thankful for a long marathon phone call Saturday night with Dr. JJ--we "get" each other!

5.  I am also thankful for the projects I managed to accomplish around here while my family was gone.

6.  I am thankful that both of my girls are working on their Unit Test/Final Exams in Math and that we will be finishing Story of the World, Volume 2 tomorrow.  We homeschool year round, but this mama is getting a little burned there will be a break before we pick up some summer learning.

7.  I am thankful that my family is going on vacation this summer and that we will spend our summer learning about where we are going :)  In addition to studying the history of the area together through a unit study, I am assigning each girl a city that we are visiting and asking her to become an "expert" on that city.  Actually, I let them pick their cities and they were pretty enthusiastic and have already put holds on books at the library and started doing on-line research.

8.  I am thankful for the time I spent with our little dog last weekend.  Our dogs used to be my babies, before I had Allie and Piper.  Now, I am so busy that ... I hardly notice our poor puppy.  But he really is cute and I let him sleep on my bed while the family was away and we bonded.  Once again.

9.  I am thankful that my husband is an awesome photographer and we share this hobby...along with yoga, craft beer and many other things....  I feel blessed that we share so many interests.

10.  I am thankful to be looking forward to celebrating Father's Day with my husband, who is the most awesome father I could ever imagine for our girls.  Jason is planning a river-tubing trip for our family on Sunday!

11.  I am thankful to have several pretty major home improvement projects that I will be working on...just as soon as these End of the Year Math Reviews and Story of the World Volume 2 are done!