Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ten Things You Should Know About Me

1.  My husband and I have been together for 20 years!
We share so many hobbies and interests...from craft beer to photography to yoga to of course, parenting ;-)

2.  I am the mom of two pre-teen girls.
I love being a mom.
It is the absolute best job I could ever imagine!

3.  I am a librarian.
I work part-time at our local public library.
I love books, I love reading and I love helping kids find books that will hopefully inspire a lifelong love of reading!

4.  I think being smart with our resources (financial, ecological, material, etc.) is IMPERATIVE.
I am super frugal.
I like to see how far I can stretch things.

5.  I had never heard of Dave Ramsey until I started blogging.
I checked his steps...and realized that with the exception of the envelope system, those are things my dad has been telling me to do my whole life...and it works!
Oh and although my dad is not Dave Ramsey, he's pretty smart ;-)

6.  I like things to be simple.
I am trying to keep things simple.
Less clutter, less muss and fuss.
I am learning to cook simpler meals.
I am striving to pare things down to the necessary so we have more time to enjoy life.

7.  I like to organize.
I feel like my life is out of control when there is chaos and clutter of any kind.
I clean and organize when stressed.

8.  Writing a weekly gratitude list has changed my life.

9.  I believe in the power of prayer without a doubt.
There have been so many times in my life when I was powerless and turned to God and found peace and comfort.
I think faith and teaching my kids to pray are the most important things I can give or teach them.

10.  Photography has changed my life.
Looking through a camera lens forces me to stop and smell the roses and live in the moment and SEE the moment, instead of racing through life not appreciating my surroundings.

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Top Ten Tuesday at Many Little Blessings