Both of my girls LOVE to watch videos on youtube.
One of the channels they watch frequently is Seven Super Girls. They also like Seven Awesome Kids and several of the other shows like that.
The way these shows work is that each of the seven kids involved posts one video a week on a pre-determined topic, such as a room tour or morning routine or how to do a craft or a water challenge. Sometimes they have freestyle where they post about anything they want.
Piper had the idea to have Seven Cool Homeschoolers. She is looking for a few more homeschooled kids who would be interested in posting ONE video each WEEK on a pre-determined theme.
Do you have a homeschool kid that might be interested? Please have them email a video telling about themselves to
If they are selected, they would have to be willing and able to commit to:
- post one video per week on the Seven Cool Homeschoolers Channel
- show their face and tell their name (or a made up name) on the channel and which country they live in
- When they no longer want to participate, they will need to give enough notice that we can find a replacement