1. I have two girls, ages 11 & 13. They are creative and they both to love read. My youngest came up with the idea of having a youtube channel for homeschoolers, she does all of the planning and administrative work for the channel. You can check that out here: 7 Cool Homeschoolers.
2. My husband and kids are my life. All I ever wanted to be was a mom and a wife!
3. We are relaxed, interest-led eclectic homeschoolers. We use a variety of methods depending on what we are learning. As my girls are getting older and more independent and I see them pursuing their own interests, I am more and more interested in letting them lead and take responsibility for their learning/education.
4. I am a librarian. I was a teacher before I had kids. I dream of opening a day care/learning center when my stint as a homeschool mom is over.
5. I am a complete homebody and I love books. I thought the hurricane that left us without power for 8 days was fun because I didn't have to leave my house and there was no computers and internet and other things to distract me from reading!
6. I live a half hour from Manhattan on the Jersey side. I love Bruce and the beach. Around here, James Gandolfini's death a few weeks ago was like losing a family member, one of our own. I love where I live and the sense of community and family.
7. I love yoga. I try to practice every day. I feel so much better when I do.
8. I don't eat meat.
9. I pride myself on being very open minded and trying to see all points of view on something and doing MY OWN research before deciding how I feel about any given issue. I am an issue girl when it comes to politics. I no longer identify with either party.
10. I am a deeply spiritual person, I found my faith grow most when I embraced all religions and all faiths: Protestant, Catholic, Buddhism, Muslim, Hindu....we all worship the same God and I think there is something to learn from all of it.
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