Friday, June 4, 2010

So close...

I had decided yesterday.  I had made the decision that we would homeschool next year.  It was such a relief.  I was thinking about our trip to Williamsburg and how even though we would "de-school" over the summer, I would still read some books about Colonial life with the girls and make a lesson of it.  I was checking different curriculum websites and found some great books for Grades K-5 on Colonial America and Williamsburg, Virginia.  I priced out where I could get the best price on the math and phonics and reading and writing curriculums that I wanted to use.  I was excited to ponder a social studies unit on our state.  I read through some of the local homeschool groups' emails and event invites.  I thought how much more natural this seemed, how it put me at ease to be able to pick and choose what is best for my family, not be stuck with what is good for some.

But then A came out of school today all smiles, talking about the gobstopper that a boy in her class gave her and the book "Number the Stars" that they started reading after their Reading Theme Test today.  She chattered on excitedly that it was by Lois Lowry, the same author as the Anastasia Krupnick series.  She told me how one of the boys spilled his water bottle and how the gym teachers had them do yoga for gym because it was so hot.  She was excited about a project that she and her best friend are working on for Scholastic, Inc. and laughing as she told me about something her Science teacher said.

On the way home, she told me that she thinks she wants to be a librarian and publish a book when she gets older.  I was amazed to see so much of myself in her, and I know that I could foster that in homeschool, but I am no match for boys giving her gobstoppers and spilling their water bottles or funny Science teachers.  I know we can do a lot of social activities through Homeschool Hangout and the other local homeschool groups, but I also think that some of her personality development needs to be separate from me, away from me, on her own with her peers.

I know eventually we will come to the decision that is right for all of us.  I still plan to cover a lesson on Colonial America before we go to Williamsburg, VA this summer.