Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day in the Life, Redux

When I posted my original Day in the Life post, I was just back from vacation and had spent the summer planning for vacation, wrestling with the decision to homeschool and researching curriculum.  I had no idea about a schedule.

Over the last two days, I have spent some time creating our schedule and based on our current wake-up times and personalities (ahem!), this is what I believe our Daily Life may look like:

7-8am get up, eat breakfast, check blogs, email, facebook; tidy up house: Mom does breakfast dishes and makes her bed; girls each tidy up their rooms.

8am - 8:30 shower and dress; if Mommy gets time for a walk or yoga, that would be AWESOME!!  If the girls do, we can call it PE!!!! :)

8:30 P will start with handwriting, as she is learning cursive; I will got over A's spelling/vocabulary lesson with her

8:50 I will go over P's spelling/vocabulary lesson as A does copywork

9:15 Reading Comprehension workbooks - the girls each have a book on their level, but they follow the same general outline, i.e., Lesson One in both is Main Idea, Lesson Two is Drawing Conclusions, etc.

9:45 Writing - I plan to have them both work on Writing Strands 3 together

10:15 Break for a snack or a walk

10:30 Go over Math with P while A works on her Mythology notebook

10:50 Go over Math with A while P does her Math work

11:20 Art or Science (but they are doing both at Co-op, too!)

Could we really be done by lunch time????

We spent a lot of time on history this summer, but I would like to do a "history of our state" program with them and teach them about other states.  Jason is interested in visiting Valley Forge and Gettysburg, PA and some of the other sites of Revolutionary War battles to continue with our Colonial Life Unit Study.  He has also mentioned touring Historic Philadelphia. I also want to do grammar, and we bought Rosetta Stone Spanish...so this is all just a starting point...

We have Co-op on Mondays, so we won't follow this schedule on Mondays, but will take the time before to each do some housework.  Our other activities are all in the afternoon, so we should be able to get our lessons done in the morning.

My awesome parents have been visiting craft and school supply stores, since they both want to work with the girls...and my mom just told me about several awesome Science kits that she saw...

I have signed up for several field trips already and some theater productions...

Lots to do...we are all getting excited...we were talking about it at dinner and the girls are anxious to start!!  We were talking about possibilities for our first day and all decided that we want Jason to be part of it, so we will start on a weekend...more on that later, I have to go help hubby re-arrange some furniture for our learning area!! 

I plan to paint the doors with chalkboard paint tomorrow...I will post pictures when it is done!!

A had the greatest idea about moving a table we had so that I can use it as a desk...and it looks great!!