Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lovely Spring Weekend :)

What a gorgeous weekend!!

The hubs got his grillin' on and grilled up some AWESOME fajitas! 

Jason and I LOVE to try different foods.  It's obviously rubbing off on our girls.  This weekend, A suggested grilling bananas.  Jason showed her how to google recipes and they selected one where you cut the bananas in half lengthwise and brush on honey.  

After grilling, you sprinkle with
cinnamon sugar & enjoy with ice cream!

It was gorgeous here!
In the seventies all weekend!
You could NOT keep us inside!
P asked Jason to pitch some balls!
(but she declined joining softball)
But did say she wants to do tennis again!  YAY!

A jumped some rope!

We also enjoyed some hiking.

I had a conversation with a friend the other day.
I said that we are not really a sports family.
We don't spend our weekends on the sports fields.
We are more of an art & nature family.

 We toured the rose gardens (which are not yet in bloom)
at our favorite local park.

We learned how to read a sundial
& that it wasn't so accurate :(
We even saw one of these
& had to explain to our children
what it was!

It was a GREAT weekend!

How was yours?
What did you do?