Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Honored, Humbled & Proud

I am really excited for and proud of my husband.
Back in December, I asked for a prayer request and our prayers were heard and answered!
When we went back to work after our vacation, Jason was told that his job was changing and he was being transferred to another branch (still within easy driving distance).

Jason kept telling me that "things would work out the way they were supposed to".  When he was offered another position elsewhere last month, he told me, "The answer will present itself".  I have a hard time NOT trying to control every little thing, I wanted to make a decision and ACT on it.
But Jason held firm, he believed.
And he was so right!

I feel like I learned so much about faith from this.

Tonight we are going out to dinner to celebrate!

As many of you know, Jason has  the honor of being part of the World Trade Center Memorial Project.  Although not a day goes by that we don't wish the events of that morning had not occurred,
we are honored, humbled and proud to have had this opportunity to give back.

Jason's company put this together and I thought I would share.