Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fourth of July at the Lake

My girls say the lake is their favorite place on earth.
It is definitely my favorite place to celebrate
July Fourth.
Then there is the Mommy Photo Shoot:

There is a boat parade.
Every year, these waterskiers start the ceremony:

Sitting out on the water,
watching the parade,
I feel very proud to be an American.
 Our amazing, wonderful, fabulous, awesome friends down the lake
always decorate their boat for the parade.
This year, they asked Jason and the girls to be part of it.
 Actually, they asked A & P to be part of it...
Then there was an extra hat and looney tune Jason put the hat on...
We all cracked up and he was asked to be the "hood ornament".
 Now that we celebrate the Fourth of July at the lake,
I really can't imagine a better way to celebrate.
 Being on a beautiful lake,
on a beautiful day,
sharing a love of country 
with other 
What is better?
 You are reminded
of the price of freedom
& the cost of liberty.
It is an awesome way to celebrate the Fourth of July.

All of the boats are either blaring patriotic songs
or singing patriotic songs.

God Bless America!

friday favorite things | finding joy