Friday, April 15, 2011

Random End of Week Post

1.  My girls LOVE
Taylor Swift.
A just read her bio.
Taylor Swift was homeschooled.
My girls say they LOVE her even more :)

2.  I have come up with a pat answer for why we are homeschooling.
I have given this answer several times now.
It is my mantra.
I am considering having it tattoed on a visible part of my body:

"We are homeschooling because we believe that education SHOULD be a base for forming your own opinions and a foundation for new, creative ideas.  We do NOT believe education should be solely about passing a standardized test."

3.  Can I be a good mother if I let my kids watch "Glee"?
Can I be a good mother IF I let my kids determine their own bedtime?
Can I be a good person if certain people really irritate me?
Andrea's Post
Thoughts from the Yoga Mat: Let's Be Honest
was really powerful for me.

4.  I just saved $50 a month.
I got a mailer from Verizon for a special promotion
for cable, internet & phone, so
I called our current provider
and asked them what they would do for me...
they reduced my bill by $50 for thirteen months!!

5.  Sometimes after watching Glee or American Idol,
my girls dance around the living room,
using their popsicles as microphones
& belting out the songs they learned in choir :-)

6.  I've decided that once we finish this
Grammar Unit on Verbs
& Story of the World 1
& our Ancients History Pockets,
we are going to take a few weeks off :)

It should only be another couple of weeks...

7.  I am attending two
Homeschool Conventions
this spring :)
At one, I will meet
Susan Wise Bauer <3
I am hoping to peruse the curriculum displays and find something for science.

8.  A & I are both reading this:
We have been discussing it and are both really enjoying it :)

9.  I've been working on our summer schedule:
swim lessons
tennis lessons
art camp
nature & science camp
{possibly} church camp for A - she hasn't decided if she wants to do the sleepaway thing
the lake - we've been in touch all winter with our friends from the lake about some possible excursions, brewery tours, barbecues...
the hubs is apparently planning a camping trip...destination: TBD
We love that since we homeschool we can do the more "touristy family vacation" trips off-season when it is less crowded :)
Some of Jason's family is coming out from CA this summer.
We are looking forward to hanging out with them.

10.  I have done yoga every.single.morning.this.week
I feel awesome!
My breath is deeper and more purposeful.
I am more focused and centered and balanced.
I am calmer & I would even say happier, at least, more at peace.
I <3 yoga!